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Terms and conditions

If you regret your purchase (withdrawal)

You have 14 days to cancel your order when you shop at [shop url]. Right runs from the day you received the goods.

Packaging and item condition when you send it back

Right can only be exercised if the item is returned in the same condition and quantity. The right of withdrawal lapses if you use the product in a way which obviously reduces the sales value significantly. The purchase of [insert products that go under the concept of sealed audio / video recordings and computer programs] lapse withdrawal if the seal is broken. When purchasing [ paste products] is the original packaging always an essential part of the product value. The packaging should always be sent with return of the conditions for exercising the right is met.


If you regret your purchase, the goods must be sent to:

[Insert address] You can also cancel your purchase by refusing to accept it or drop it off in person at the above address. If necessary, add .: "against the appointment."

You obviously get the amount you paid us back

If you regret your purchase, you get of course the amount you have paid us back. The amount will be transferred to the card you paid with or in your bank account once we have received the product and verified that it meets the rules for withdrawal. The only cost you have when you change your mind, is the postage to send the item back to us .

What should I send back?

You must attach a copy of the order confirmation. It is not a requirement, but the expedition goes faster if you fill in our form or attach the following; Note:We do not receive packages sent by fax. COD.


If there is something wrong with the item (warranty)

When you shop at [shop url] you have the 24-month warranty. This means that you either get it repaired or replaced, refund or reduction in price, depending on the specific situation. It is of course a requirement that the complaint is justified and that the defect is not caused by incorrect use of the product or other injurious behavior.

How soon should I advertise?

You must complain within "reasonable time" after you have discovered the defect. If you advertise within two months after the defect is discovered, the complaint will always be timely.

We will refund reasonable freight costs

If the complaint is justified we will refund your (reasonable) shipping costs. The product is sent to:

[Insert address]

We need the following information when sending the product to us

When you return the product, please state what the problem is as detailed as possible. Feel free to use our RMA form here [insert link] . It is not a requirement, but it eases our casework, and minimizes processing time for your complaint. Note: We do not receive packages sent by fax. COD or the like. Remember that the product must always be returned in protective packaging and get a receipt for shipment, so that we can reimburse your shipping costs.

What do we do with your personal information (Privacy Policy)

For that you may agree with us on [shop url] , we need the following information: 
Phone number 
E-mail address List the what is collected information We register your personal information for the purpose of delivering goods to you .


Personal information registered with [the company's legal name] and kept for five years, after which data are deleted. When collecting personal information through our website, we ensure that it always happens when submitting your express consent, so that you are informed of exactly what information collected and why. Director [and who else has access to the information] of [insert legal name] have access to the information recorded about you.


The controller on [shop url] is [insert title / name] .

We do not store customer data encrypted. If you store customer information encrypted must be written and explains how they are encrypted. The same applies to the next point, namely the transmission of customer information. We do not transmit encrypted customer information.   Information provided to[shop url] disclosed or sold in any way to third parties, and we record any sensitive personal information. As registered with [insert legal name] you always have the right to object to the registration. You also have the right to inspect the information recorded about you. These rights are secured by the Privacy Act and request in connection therewith addressed to [insert legal name] via e-mail [] .